ISNCC 2022

ISNCC 2022

The 2022 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC’22) will be held (Hybrid) at Shenzhen, the best performing city in China, from July 19 to 22, 2022. Due to Covid-19 and travel restrictions, authors who will not be able to travel,...


ISAECT 2021 will be held virtually in Khobar (Saudi Arabia) from 6 to 8 December....
ISNCC 2021

ISNCC 2021

The International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications 2021 be Hybrid and participants will be able to attend and perform their presentations remotely in case of travel issues. ISNCC 2021 will be held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates)...
Project S.U.D.

Project S.U.D.

In the frame of the on going activities to restart the Termini Imerese plants, property of Blutec company (currently in extraordinary administration) Smart City Group consortium submitted an expression of interest with about 15 companies proposing a production chain...
ISNCC 2020

ISNCC 2020

The next edition of the ISNCC conference will be held in Montreal (Canada) from 20th tp 22nd of October 2020. The conference will be fully online.


The next edition of the Symposium ISAECT will be held in Morocco (Kenitra) from 25th to 27th of November. It will be organised with mixed possibility to attend: in presence for whom will be able to travel and on line for the others.