On 2015, 20 October at 4:00 p.m. in Aula Magna of Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (Via Alvaro del Portillo, 21) will occur the free of charge Workshop:
“Connected risks with IEMI (Intentional Electromagnetic Interference) threats: the European Project Structures results”.
Structures – Strategies for The impRovement of critical infrastrUCTUre Resilience to Electromagnetic attackS is a project, which aims to analyse the possible effects of electromagnetic attacks, and in particular the intentional Electromagnetic Interference on critical infrastructures, in order to evaluate their impacts for the own defence and economic security, to identified innovative strategies of awareness and protection and to supply a briefly description for political managers on possible consequences of electromagnetic attack.
The participation is free of charge, it is necessary to send mail to postlauream@unicampus.it for the registration.
Download the workshop invitation.