Innovative Integrated Energy Efficiency Solutions for Railway Rolling Stock, Rail Infrastructure and Train Operation integrated approach
Within this call of FP6, the railway industry elaborates the Railenergy Integrated Research Project to develop a holistic framework approach, new concepts and integrated solutions to improve energy efficiency in the railway domain under specific technical, operational, political and socio-economic constraints.
The overall objective of Railenergy is to cut the energy consumption within an optimised railway system thus contributing to a reduction in the life cycle costs of railway operation and of CO2 emissions per seat/kilometre or tonne/kilometre. The project target is to achieve a 6% reduction in the specific energy consumption of the rail system by 2020, assuming that traffic volumes double in comparison with current figures.
Within the time frame of 48 Months of project duration, the 28 consortium partners will deliver:
Relevant baseline figures and scenarios for selected reference systems
A system-based concept for modelling energy consumption
A common and standardised methodology to determine energy consumption by rail sub-systems and components in the development and procurement phases
An integrated simulation tool for energy consumption and LCC
An integrated railway energy efficiency management approach & decision support tool
Strategic energy efficiency targets for rolling stock, infrastructure and traffic management
An Energy Management Module which could provide the operator with a diagnostic of their complete installation
New validated energy efficiency-oriented railway technologies for trackside and on-board sub-systems and equipment, developed in compliance with the new integrated approach
Refined best practices for Railway Operators and Infrastructure Managers
Strategies for incentives, pricing, and policies
NITEL is involved in this project as Partner for “energy model” related to track side system and the traction drives.